Right form of verb rules bangla [42 Importance Rules]

Right form of verb rules bangla

Right form of verb rules bangla [42 Importance Rules]

Right form verbs অথবা Re-write সম্পর্কে ধরাবাঁধা কোন নিয়ম নেই। ইংরেজি ব্যাকরণের বিভিন্ন বিষয়ের সংমিশ্রনে Re write করতে দেয়া হয়। তািই Re write করতে হলে ইংরেজি ব্যাকরণের প্রধান প্রধান বিষয় যেমন-Tense ,voice.Narration,person ইত্যাদি সম্পর্কে পর্যাপত্ জ্ঞান থাকা আবশ্যক। তবুও স্কুল ও মাদরাসার বিভিন্ন পরীক্ষায় যে সকল sentence এর Re write করতে দেয়া হয় সেগুলোর সঠিক উওর প্রদানের জন্য মোটামুটি নিয়ে প্রদও নিয়মগুলো আয়ও করলে ছাএছাএীদের জন্য সঠিক উওর প্রদান করা অনেকটা সহজ হবে।

Use of right foum of verbs এর গঠন


Present Indefinite Tense এ Subject যদি 3rd person singular number এর হয় তবে verb এর শেষে s অথবা es যোগ করতে হয়।যেমন-

  •  Ques: The boy (go)to madrasah regulary.
  •  Ans: The boy goes to madrasah regularly.


কোন নির্দিষ্ট সময়ের উল্লেখ থাকে না এমন Sentence এ ‍always,regularly,sometimes,generally,often,usally,normally,occasionally ইত্যাদি থাকে তবে সেক্ষেত্রে Sentence টি person indefinite tense হবে। যেমন-

  • Ques: Noumally he (get)up at 8 a m.
  • Ans: Normally he gets up at 8 a m.


বর্তমানে চলছে এমন কোন কাজ বুঝতে verb এর present Continuous Tense হয়। এক্ষেত্রে বর্তমান সময়ের (now,at this moment,presently)উল্লেখ থাকে ।


  • Ques: He works now.
  • Ans: He is working now.


কোন Sentence এ subject এর পরে auxiliary verb have /has/had থাকলে মূল Verb এর past participle form বসে।যেমন-Q

  • Ques:I have (write)a letter.
  • Ans: I have written a letter.


just ,just now,already,lately,recently ,yet,ever থাকলে Sentence টি present perfect tense হয়।যেমন- 

  • Ques: He (go)to Dhaka recently
  • Ans: He has gone to Dhaka recently


অতীতকালে নির্দেশ করে েএমন word বা phrase (yesterday,last night,ago,long,since ইত্যাদি)থাকলে Verb এর past form হয়।যেমন-

  •  Ques: He (come)home yesterday.
  •  Ans: He came home yesterday.


কোন কাজ পূর্বৈ শুরু হয়ে বর্তমানে পযন্ত চলছে এরূপ বুঝতে verb এর perfect Continuous Tense হয়। যেমন-

  •  Ques: I (work) for three hours.
  •  Ans:  I have been working for three hors.


Be verb বিহীন (সাহায্যকারী ক্রিয়া বিহীন)বাক্যকে Negative বা Interrogative করতে হলে tense ও subject অনুসারে ‍do,does,বা did ব্যবহার করতে হয়। যেমন-

  • Ques:  He (not eat)beef.
  • Ans:  He does not eat beef.
  • Ques: He (not go)to madrasah yesterday.
  • Ans: He did not go to madrash yesterday.


..No soover had….Than,scarcely had….when ,hardly had……before থাকলে প্রথম verb টি past participle হয় এবং দ্বিতীয় Verb কে past form করতে হয়। যেমন-

  • Ques: No sooner had the thief (see)the police than he (run)away.
  • Ans:  No sooner had the thief seen the police than he ran away.


Before এর পূর্বের অংশ past perfect এবং পরের অংশ past Indefinite Tense এর হয়। After এর পূর্বের অংশ past Indefinite এবং পরের অংশ past perfect Tense এর হয়। যেমন-

  • Ques: The police come)after the thief (flee)away. 
  •  Ans:  The police came after the thief had fled away.
  •  Ques:  The patient (die)before the doctor (comes)
  •  Ans: The patient had died before the doctor came.


Since এর প্রথম অংশ present Indefinite অথবা present perfect Tense এর হলে পরের অংশ past Indefinite Tense এর হয়। যেমন-

  •  Ques: Many years have passed since he (get)a job.
  •  Ans: Many years have passed since he got a job.


Since এর প্রথম অংশ past Indefinite Tense হলে পরের অংশ Past perfect Tense এর হয়।যেমন-

  • Ques: Many years passed since I (see)her.
  •  Ans: Many years passed since I had seen her.


It is high,time,it is time,wish,fancy থাকলে পরের Verb টি Past form হয়।যেমন-

  • Ques: I fany I (trun)pale.
  • Ans:  I fancy I turned pale


Can, could ,may, might, shall, should, will, would ইত্যাদির পরের Verb টি present form হয়। যেমন-

  • Ques: He may (go)there.
  • Ans: He may go there.


কোন Sumple sentence এ দুটি Verb থাকলে পরবর্তী Verb এর সাথে ing যোগ করতে হয় অথবা Verb টির পূর্বে to বসাতে হয় যেমন-

  •  Ques: I saw him (work)in the field.
  •  Ans: I saw him working in the field.
  •  Ques: He tried (help)me.
  •  Ans: He tried to help me.


Had better,had rather ,would better,would rather ,let,must ,need,done ইত্যাদির পরের Verb এর present form হয় এবং to থাকলে তা উঠে যায় ।যেমন-

  •  Ques: You had better (to do)it.
  •  Ans: You had better do it.


Verb এর পূর্বে mind ,worth,past,without,cannot help ,with a view to,look forward to get used to,would you mind ইত্যাদি এছাড়া কোন preposition থাকলে তার পরের Verb টির সাথে ing যোগ করতে হয়। যেমন-

  •  Ques: would you mind (open)the window?
  •  Ans: Would you mind opening the window?


Sentence এর শুরুতে would that থাকলে ‍Subject এর পরে could বসে এবং Verb এর present form বসে। যেমন-

  •  Ques: Would that I (get)a first division.
  •  Ans: Would that I could get a first division


As though/as if /wish থাকলে to be এর জায়গায় were বসে।

  •  Ques: I wish I (be)a philosopher.
  •  Ans: I wish I were a philosopher.


As though /as if এর প্রথম অংশ present Indefinite Tense এর হলে পরের অংশ past Indefinite Tense এর হয়। আবার প্রথম অংশ past Indefinite Tense এর হলে পরের অংশ past perfect Tense এর হয় ।যেমন-

  • Ques: He talke as though he (see)everything
  • Ans:  He talks as though he saw everything.
  • Ques: She started as though she (learn)all.
  • Ans: She started as though she had learnt all.


If যু্ক্ত Conditional sentence এর প্রথম clause  present Iddefinite tense এর হলে পরেরটি (main clause)Future indefinite tense হয়্ (If+present+future)যেমন-

  •  Ques: If you come I (go)
  •  Ans: If you come I shall go.


If যুক্ত clause টি past Indefinite Tense এর হলে পরেরটি past Conditional হব্

(past conditional =subject+would /might/could+verb এর present form )যেমন-

  •  Ques: If he came I (go).
  •  Ans: If he came I would go.


If যুক্ত Clause টি যদি past perfect Tense এর হয় তবে পরের clause টি perfect conditional হয়।perfect conditional =subject+ would have/could have/might have+ verb এর past participle form

  •  Ques: If I had seen him I (help)him.
  •  Ans: If I had seen him I would have helped him.


Had+ subject+ past participle দ্বারা কোন sentence শুরু হরে পরের অংশ perfect conditional হয়।যেমন-

  •  Ques: Had I been a rich man I (help)you.
  • Ans: Had I been a rich man I would have helped you


Every, each, one of থাকলে Verb এর ‍Singular number হয়।যেমন-

  • Ques: one of the bous always (make)noise.
  • Ans: one of the boys always makes noise.
  • Ques: Everybody (believe)an honest man.
  • Ans: Everybody believes an honest man


Have, has ,had, got ইত্যাদি Verb গুলো যখন Sentence এর মধ্যে Casutive verb এর কাজ করে তখন এর পরের Verb টি past participle form এর হয় ।যেমন-

  • Ques: He got the word (finish)by me.
  • Ans: He got the work finished by me.


While এর ঠিক পরেই Verb থাকলে তার সাথে ing যোগ হয়। তবে While এর পরে যদি ‍Subject থাকে তবে While এর অংশটি past Continuous Tense হয় অর্থাৎ While এর পর subject এবং তারপর সাহায্যকারী ক্রিয়া was/were বসে।

  •  Ques: While he (work)in the field he saw the thief.
  • Ans: While he was working in the field ,he saw the thief.
  • Ques: While he (read)The teacher entered the class.
  •  Ans: While he was reading ,the teacher entered the class.


There দ্বারা Sentence শুরু হলে ও Verb টি Singular number হলে There এর পরের verb টি singular verb হয় এবং plural number থাকলে there এর পরে plural verb বসে।

  • Ques: There (be)two mosques in our village.
  • Ans:  There are two mosques in our village.
  • Ques: There (be) a post office in our locality.
  • Ans: There is a post office in our weight.


একই দৈর্ঘ্য,পরিমাণ বা স্হান বুঝাতে Subject দেখতে plural হলেও verb singular হয় ।যেমন-

  • Ques: Twenty pounds (be)a heavy weight.
  • Ans: Twenty pounds is a heavy weight.


Am, is, are, was were ইত্যাদি to be verb থাকলে এর passive voice এ মূল Verb এর past participle form হয়।যেমন-

  • Ques: He was (punish)by them. 
  • Ans: He was punished by them.


Lest যুক্ত sentence এ lest এর পরে যে subject থাকে তার পরে ‍should /might বসে এবং   

  • Ques: He worked sincerely lesthe (miss)the chance.
  •  Ans: He worked sincerely lest he should miss the chance.


past Indefinite Tense এর Sentence টি Negative বা Interrogative হলে সাহায্যকারী ক্রিয়া did আনতে হয় এবং মূল verb টির present form হয়।

  • Ques: He (not go)to madrasah yesterday.
  •  Ans: He did not go to madrasah yesterday.


কোন sentence এর verb তার subject এর number ও person অনুযায়ী হয় অর্থাৎ subject singular বলে verb singular হয় এবং subject plural হলে Verb plural হয়।যেমন-

  • Ques: The legs of the chair (be)broken
  • Ans: The legs of the chair were broken
  • Ques: The color of the mangoes (be)riple.
  • Ans: The colour of the mangoes is ripe.


Indifinitive `to’এর পরে verb সর্বদা present form হয়।যেমন-

  •  Ques: He wanted to (help)me.
  •  Ans: He wanted to help me.


To be এবং leaving এর পর মূল Verb এর past Participle form হয়।যেমন-

  • Ques: The teacher desird the board to be (clan)
  •  Ans: The teacher desired the board to be cleaned.


অতীতকালে কোন ঐতিহাসিক ঘটনা বা বর্তমান সময়ে সংঘটিত হচ্ছে এরুপ বুঝালে অতীতকালে কাজটি হয়ে থাকলেও এ ক্ষেত্রে present Indefinite Tnese ব্যবহুত হয়। একে Historic বা Graphic present বলে।

  •  Ques: Akbar (face)the Rajput.
  •  Ans: Akbar face the Rajput.


দুটি ভবিষ্যৎ ঘটনার একটি অপরটির পূর্বে সংঘটিত হলে,যে ঘটনার বর্ণনা করতে When, whenever, as soon as, before, till, until, while, since, where, unless, if, in case ইত্যাদি দ্বারা শুরু করতে হয়,তার বর্ণনায় Verb এর present Indefinite Tense ব্যবহুত হয়।যেমন-

  • Ques: He will leran his lessons before he(go)to bed.
  •  Ans: He will learn his lessons before he goes to bed.


ভবিষ্যৎ বুঝাতে কোন কোন সময় Verb এর present Indefinite Tense ব্যবহুত হয়।যেমন-

  •  Ques: The madrasah (close)tomorrow.
  •  Ans: The madrasah closes tomorrow.


 অভ্যাসগত সত্য (habitual truth)প্রকাশ করতে Verb এর present Indefinite Tense ব্যবহুত হয়।যেমন  -

  •   Ques: He (sleep)at 10 pm.
  •   Ans: He sleeps at 10 pm.


 চিরন্তন সত্য (universal truth) প্রকাশ করতে Verb এর present Indefinite Tense ব্যবহুত হয়।যেমন-

  •  Ques: Ice (float)on water.
  •   Ans: Ice floars on water.
  •  Ques: The earth (move)round the su.
  •  Ans: The earth moves round the sun.    


 once a year, every day, every  week, every year, on week days, always, usually, often, never প্রভৃতি   Adverb phrase বা Adverb এর সাথে Verb এর present Indefinite Tense বসে।যেমন- 

  • Ques: Rahim (play)every day. 
  • Ans: Rahim plays every day.

Rule-42: Love,feel,hope,like,belive,want,wish,know,beg,see,live,wonder,think,understand,consist,contain,belong,possess,resemble এসব Verb এর present Continuous Tense না হয়ে সাধারণত present Indefinite Tense হয়।যেমন-

  • Ques: This pen (belong)to me. 
  • Ans: This pen belongs to me 

Examples worked out (Right form of verb rules)

Ques:.Rahim (go)to madrasah every day.

Ans: Rahim goes to madrasah every day.

2.Three years (to pass)since they met last.

 Ans: Three years have passed since they met last.

3.Did you(to write)this book?

Ans: Did you write this book?

4.I( to recive)your letter yesterday.

  Ans: I received your letter yesterday.

5.I have never (to drive)a car before.

 Ans: I have never driven a car before.

6.I orered my brothe (to go)to madrasah.

Ans: I ordered my brother to go to madrasah.

7.Would you mind (open)the door please? 

Ans:Would you mind opening the door please?

8.The doctor cmae after the patient (die).

Ans: The doctor came after the patient had died.

9.He (to recover)soon.

Ans: He will recover soon.

10.I saw a bird (to fly)in the sky.

Ans: I saw a bird flying in the sky.

11.Her hen(to lay)an egg yesterday.

Ans: Her hen laid an egg yesterday.

12.Fahima (to be)absent since Sunday last.

 Ans: Fahima has been absent since Sunday last.

13.She never (to cary)an umbrella.

 Ans: She never carries an umbrella.

14.The train (to leave)before we arrived at the station.

Ans: The train had left before we arrived at the station.

15.The pick pocket (to catch)by the police.

Ans: The pick pocket was caught by the police.

16.He (to lie)for three hours.

Ans: He has been lying for three hours.

17.If I find youf watch I shall give it you.

Ans: If I find your watch I shall give it you.

18.Have you ever been to Dhaka?

 Ans: Have you ever been to Dhaka?

19.By next March I (to collect)forty books.

 Ans: By next March I shall have collected forty books.

20.I found him (read ) a book.

 Ans: I found him reading a book.

Some Exercise (Right form of verb rules bangla)

1.Bangla is (to speak)in Bangladesh.

2.I saw him(to go)to madrasah.

3.The sun (rise)in the east.

4.The child (to sleep)for two hours.

5.Rome was not (build)in a day.

6.Mother (to cook)food before I reach home.

7.Perhaps we (to find)him in the guest house.

8.The wind (to blow)gently yesterday.

9.I shall be (to read)The book then.

10.You and I (to do)now?

11.What she (to do)now?

12.Faruqe (suffer)form fever for a week.

13.He (be)angry if he finds out the truth.

14.He talks as if he (to be) a mad.

15.He will fail unless he (work )hard.

16.Twenty miles (to be)a long distance.

17.I have finished (to read )the book.

18.She (to read)detective stories on holidays.

19.Nazrul (to write)many poems.

20.Shahed (to play)football tomorrow.

21.He kept me (wait)outside.

22.The rich (to be)not always happy.

23.He (to be)diligent from his boyhood.

24.You(to read)in this madrasah for four years.

25.The man was(to hang)for murder.

26.I shall go to sleep after I (to finish)my home work.

27.He asked me if I (to see)his son yesterday.

28.He (to make)a long speak.

29.(Do)he know how to tell a story?

30.Where he (to ho)on Friday? 



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